Utilize your God-given gifts, talents, and abilities to serve others so that we might become the Spirit-led community God envisioned. 

God has designed the church in such a way that individuals are to utilize their personal gifts, talents, and abilities to build up the whole community. Whether you know it or not, you play a vital role in helping us become the Spirit-led community God wants us to be for His glory! This also means that we don’t serve to benefit ourselves but instead we follow in the footsteps of Jesus who did not come to be serve but to serve. Serving provides us with opportunities to experience the blessing of serving others so that church might be built up to bring great glory to God!

Filling out the Universal Serve Application is the first step in serving at Genesis Church. “Future Serving Opportunities” will become available as we’re back into the building and are fully functioning. Now is a great time fill out the application, as some of the serving areas have a longer application process.

Any questions can be directed to serve@genesisyork.com